AutoQuery made simple
Instant Query & CRUD APIs

High performance, Industrial strength, effortless, code-first APIs

Rapidly develop high-performance Queryable & CRUD APIs for

Effortless High performance Query & CRUD APIs

Follow the step by step guide:

Shows how to:

  • Start project from ServiceStack template
  • Add SQLite support
  • Add Authentication support
  • Define code-first database model
  • Define code-first validation
  • Add User Management support
  • Add API event audit history support
  • Use AutoFilters with AutoQuery services
  • Add Excel integration
  • Use ServiceStack Studio

Create Typed APIs with minimal code-first DTOs

Configure AutoQuery with your RDBMS in your AppHost

Add your custom DTO with route to register a table to query.

That's all that's needed! From your contract-first API blueprint ServiceStack implements a fully queryable, type safe API for the Customer table.

Highly customizable & overridable when needed

Create APIs for all RDBMS tables with AutoGen!

Connect your existing database and configure AutoQuery to use AutoGen to generate typed end to end HTTP services for your database tables.

AutoGen in Action

ServiceStack’s AutoGen enables a number of exciting possibilities, predominantly it’s the fastest way to ServiceStack-ify an existing systems RDBMS where it will serve as an invaluable tool for anyone wanting to quickly migrate to ServiceStack and access its functionality ecosystem around ServiceStack Services

AutoGen’s code generation is programmatically customizable where the generated types can be easily augmented with additional declarative attributes to inject your App’s conventions into the auto generated Services & Types to apply custom behavior like Authorization & additional validation rules.

After codifying your system conventions the generated classes can optionally be “ejected” where code-first development can continue as normal.

Highly versatile ServiceStack APIs

Seamlessly integrates with ServiceStack's endpoints, features and tools for maximum reuse and simplified integrations.

Instant Management UI with ServiceStack Studio

Manage your AutoQuery services with ServiceStack Studio, a dynamic, capability driven UI that only needs your ServiceStack instance base URL for integration. Metadata from ServiceStack service message contracts are able to drive completely dynamic user interfaces, enabling smart clients to deliver amazing levels of reuse.

ServiceStack/Studio is an Open Source Chromium Windows Desktop App that can be easily customized to support custom App requirements and published via multiple deployment options with a tiny footprint and built-in auto updates.

Multiple, clean data formats allows for flexible data integrations

As all AutoQuery Services are pure HTTP APIs available in multiple data formats they allow for simple, rich integrations like being able to use its CSV Format to create live table data sources in Excel or easily import any query into any data store supporting CSV imports:

Easy Excel Data Source Integration

AutoQuery's usage of simple, user-defined Clean URLs and intuitive implicit query conventions makes it easy for stakeholders to create custom Queries of their Systems Data that they can link to directly in their Excel worksheets to generate Live Reports:

Added Excel Datasource

Leverage ServiceStack's ecosystem of features

AutoQuery services are ServiceStack services, so they benefit from the ServiceStack ecosystem of features. This makes responding to changing requirements more straight forward as all these features are designed from the ground up to work together with clean consistent APIs.

ServiceStack Plugins use the same interfaces that your custom plugins can use, giving you the ability to extend and expand your service features consistently across AutoQuery or standard ServiceStack services.

Download new Web App with AutoQuery or AutoGen

Great alternative to OData, GraphQL or JSON:API

Connect to anything with data

Expose data from various data sources including RDBMS, In memory, DynamoDb or even other services through consistent flexible APIs where clients can control the query details.

Works with your favorite databases

AutoQuery RDBMS works with anything OrmLite can connect to, including:

  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server
  • SQLite
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • AWS Aurora

Clean REST routes, accessible from everywhere.

Unlike OData and GraphQL, AutoQuery provides clean REST services making them easy to use from standard browsers, avoiding the requirement for complex clients.

Unmatched client integration experience.

Add ServiceStack Reference provides best in class client generation in a multitude of languages straight from the server you're integrating with.

Instant Client Apps can generate working native client solutions through an easy to use free web tool, only needing a base URL of a ServiceStack service.

AutoQuery Examples

Database-first Example Locode App

To demonstrate a database-first development workflow we've enabled AutoGen on the Northwind sample database to generate AutoQuery & CRUD APIs whose capabilities are used to power the custom Northwind Locode App

Northwind Logo

Northwind Auto Locode

Northwind Auto is a customized database-first Northwind App using AutoGen to generate AutoQuery & CRUD APIs in less than 120 Lines of Code in Configure.AppHost.cs

Code-first Example Locode App

For greater customizability we've exported AutoGen APIs of the Chinook sample database into typed AutoQuery APIs & Data Models to unlock more flexible code-first declarative & programmatic dev models that includes Custom UI components to showcase potential enhancements in Locode Apps

Chinook Logo

Chinook Locode

Chinook is a customized Code-First App using AutoGen to export Chinook's RDBMS Tables into Models.cs generating code-first AutoQuery APIs & Data Models that's further annotated to create a customized Locode App

Reuse typed APIs in Optimized UIs

AutoQuery's declarative dev model lets you focus on your new App's business requirements where its data model, API capabilities, input validation & multi-user Auth restrictions can be defined simply using annotated C# POCOs.
This provides immense value at the start of the development cycle where functional prototypes can be quickly iterated to gather business requirements

Once requirements have been solidified, the typed AutoQuery APIs can easily be reused to develop custom UIs to optimize important workflows.

Talent Blazor is a new App showcasing an example of this where its entire back-office functionality can be managed through Locode whilst an optimized Blazor WASM App is created to optimize its unique workflow requirements which also benefits from the superior productive dev model of its Typed APIs

Northwind Logo

Talent Blazor Locode

Talent Blazor is a Blazor WASM App built around a HR's unique workflow for processing Job Applications from initial Application, through to Phone Screening and Interviews by multiple employees, capturing relevant feedback at each application event, with successful Applicants awarded the Job

It's co-developed & deployed with a customized Locode App that manages all other CRUD Database Access

More AutoQuery Source Code Examples

NBC Universal
Progress Software